Structural Engineering Inspection & Evaluation Services Including Forensic Investigation and Expert Opinions in Hawaii & Pennsylvania

What We Do

Comprehensive structural inspection & evaluation services as well as forensic expert opinions for building and non-building structures.

For more information about our general services, click here.

For information about our forensic engineering services click here.

Promise to Our Clients

We dedicate our best efforts to your task no matter how samll or large it might be. We stand with you all the way from start to the end.

We Guarantee Our Work

We deliver what we promise and stand behind our work.

We are a Click Away

We respond to your needs as soon as practically possible. We strive to meet your schedule and do our best to satisfy your budget constraints.

Inspections for Structural Integrity & Stability and Repair Recommendations

Forensic Analysis of Structural Failures and Expert Opinion Services for Attorneys and Insurance Companies

Means & Methods Review & Certification for Demolition Contractors.

Inspection, Evaluation, and Repair Recommendations for Seawalls and Shoreline Protection Structures

We are glad you are visiting us. Whether you have a simple or a complex task to accomplish, you are in the right place.

We are confident we can help you with most structural engineering projects you might have. Please browse our website and do not hesite to contact us if you have any questions. we appreciate your interest and welcome all inquiries and comments.

Kiumars  Siah, Ph.D., P.E.

Welcome Message

Expert Structural Engineering Services You Can Trust!

With close to 40 years of professional engineering experience in all facets of structural engineering including, but not limited to, structural design, inspection, forensic investigation, field verification and testing, review of demolition plans, design and repairs of seawalls and other shoreline protection structures, and expert opinions and testimonies related to design and/or construction defects or failures due to natural (wind, flood, earthquakes) or man-made (vehicular crash, vibrations) hazards, review of insurance damage claims, and value engineering, we provide reliable and proven solutions to your structural engineering problems.